Clio High School selected its Snowcoming Court for 2024 and they were recognized at an assembly Friday.
As pictured here, members of the Senior Court are (l lto r): Back row: Alexander Mauer, Mayson Bechtel, Connor Clontz, Mason Collar, Janiro Ford, William Dillenbeck (Project Choice King); Front row: Aaliyah Gatica, Hannah Lozano, Brittany Miller, Kaylon Basore, Noel Munoz, Faith Thrushman (Project Choice Queen).
Also pictured are the class representatives for Snowcoming as selected by the classmates. They are: Back row: Drew Williams (9), Marshal Harn (10), Jake Newton (11); Front row: Layla Hutchinson (9), Aubrey Carriveau (10), Gabriella White (11).
A Snowcoming King and Queen will be crowned during halftime of the boys varsity basketball game this Friday.